Managing Female Hormonal Changes


How are women different from men?

So much of the information and studies on nutrition and exercise have been done on men. Women are not the same as men because we have this beautiful monthly cycle that allows us to reproduce and grow another human! In addition, our monthly hormonal fluctuations change as we age. Those changes impact your daily energy levels, hydration and electrolyte needs, injury risk, nutrition goals and performance challenges. Don’t you want to learn more about these things and make your monthly cycle help you achieve optimum performance, optimum weight and feel your best each day no matter what day of your monthly cycle?!

Pre-Menopause and Peri-menopause

Did you know that your body naturally burns fat better at different times of your cycle? This is a great thing for body composition and lower intensity exercise but this may also mean it’s more challenging for higher intensity exercise without some nutrition intervention. Your heat tolerance and hydration needs also change during your cycle so it’s important to look at your diet and lifestyle differently throughout the month.

Have you noticed that you can’t lose weight like you used to… you feel more bloated… or your moods are off, particularly before your period? You may be in the phase of life we call peri-menopause. It can start as early as age 35 and last until menopause occurs. Your hormone levels are changing from what they were in your 20s, leading most typically to estrogen dominance and this can cause some unwanted physical changes. I know how all this feels because I dealt with it in my late 30s and it was no fun. I wish I knew then what I know now. The good news is you can benefit from my knowledge and navigate peri-menopause much more easily than I did.

Do you want to understand your monthly cycle better and learn ways to biohack for better body composition, mood and performance? I’m here to help! I do individual consultation but will also be launching an online program just for pre-menopausal and peri-menopausal women.



Post Menopause

So many western women have a tough time transitioning through menopause but it doesn’t have to be this way. Stress and lifestyle habits have a big impact, as well as nutrition. As hormones levels drop, we are less sensitive to insulin so our daily nutrition needs change. We also start to lose muscle mass and bone density, but again, lifestyle and nutrition are key to minimize these changes. I’ve worked with many post menopausal women (including myself!) to help make this a time to thrive. It’s a natural phase of life that should be embraced.

I can help to reduce negative symptoms such as higher fat / lower muscle mass, brain fog, fatigue, lower bone density and more with nutrition and lifestyle changes. Watch for my post-menopause online training coming soon or contact me today for an individual consult.

If you are like many women, snacking is a problem… how many times do you hit the Starbucks drive through for a quick sugar hit to just get through the rest of the day? I want to help you balance blood sugar and minimize these cravings so I’ve put together a recipe book with Healthy Snacks for a Healthy Cycle during perimenopause. Click the link below to get your fee copy today!