Short Indian Wells 70.3 recap... just two weeks after finishing a full Ironman!
This race was just a bonus race after getting my Kona slot at IM Cozumel. I didn't know if my legs would have anything in them just 2 weeks after doing a full Ironman but they did! Quick recap... swim was 58.5 degrees so not as cold as we expected. I had my thermal wetsuit, booties and neoprene hat so I felt really good. I think I'm the only one that liked this swim but I did enjoy it!
I was cold starting the bike so decided to hammer it to get warm. I felt good for all 56 miles and held 21.2 mph which was surprising! The only negative I could say about this bike is the bad road conditions. It’s mainly in the first section and I was just hoping all my bolts were tight (I should have checked after traveling).
Got on the run and I just kept thinking that my legs felt so much better than they did in the full Ironman. I was cheering and smiling the whole time because it felt so short!
Finished at 5:36, which was much faster than expected. I was elated! Turned out I needed to cut 53 seconds to make the podium and I would have been on the podium if I was 5 years younger! Once again the old ladies came in hot! I need to work on getting through those aid stations more quickly but I had SO much fun which is all that I wanted! And I loved another girl racecation with my Colorado Cuppies! More memories to warm my heart with these amazing ladies!!