COVID-19 Resources

This is a challenging time for us but practicing social distancing can help to save lives. There are some blessings that have come from this though... families are spending more quality time together, virtual connections are bringing friends and family closer and many people are doing less things online, like puzzles and board games. As a family we have started some new traditions like basketball happy hour, lunch/dinner with my Danish in-laws and my daily Trivial Pursuit game on Facebook!

Confused on Nutrition and Supplement Recommendations?

There has been a lot of conflicting information in the media on various supplements for prevention of COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 and it was changing daily in the first few weeks. For example, is elderberry good or will it create a "cytokine storm?"

First let's look at how this virus works. If you don't want the science just skip the next paragraph! :)

Covid-19 is a virus that uses RNA to transcribe and replicate proteins. This typically allows for a faster mutation rate than DNA viruses. Covid-19 enters the cells of the body by attaching to a protein on the cell's surface, the ACE-2 receptor. Those with compromised ACE-2 receptor function (high blood pressure, cardiovascular risk, etc.) are at a higher risk for the virus getting into the cells. Once in the cell, the virus replicates by hijacking a human protein, mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin). The body uses enzymes called sirtuins to control mTOR replication. Sirtuins decrease with age and are influenced by genetic mutations, another reason that the symptoms become more severe and dangerous as we age. After multiplying, the virus damages human cells by producing the 3CL protease enzyme. Through this process, the innate immune system is activated, initially to try and fight off the virus, but later in the process the immune system can become overactive, inducing acute respiratory distress system (ARDS). Why is all this important? Some nutrients can slow or enhance these processes so it's important to understand how the virus works if we are looking for ways to influence the impact of the virus.

There is no easy answer and it depends on various things. What is the health status of the individual? Is the goal prevention? Is it an active case of Covid-19 in stage 1 or stage 2?

For prevention, it's important to have a strong immune system, particularly the innate immune system. This means adequate levels of vitamin A, D, C, E, all B vitamins, selenium and zinc. We don't want overly high levels of these, particularly vitamin A or D but since most of us are coming out of winter, we are likely deficient in vitamin D if we have not been taking a supplement. 

Antioxidants are also important for a healthy immune system. What's interesting about this virus is that kids are not as affected as adults. This may be because antioxidant levels decline as we age.  Antioxidants are found naturally in bright colored fruits and vegetables. This should be an important part of your diet but even more so at this time for immune health. 

You've likely all heard the basic recommendations for immune and overall health, but they are essential right now:

  • Exercise at moderate levels - not overly intense or at high volumes that stress the body; this will vary, depending on what you are accustomed to. 

  • Drink enough water to avoid dehydration - a minimum of half your body weight in ounces.

  • Eat more fiber to feed the good bacteria in the gut - 70% of the immune system is in the gut. 

  • Reduce overall inflammation - avoid processed and fried foods. Fish oil can also help to reduce inflammation. 

One that deserves its own paragraph is sleep. We all know that sleep is important but right now it's even more important. When we sleep our body makes melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate circadian rhythm but it's also an important part of immune function. Melatonin inhibits the NLRP3 inflammasomes, which have been found to be an initiator in the "cytokine storm" that occurs in the second phase. To help your body naturally produce melatonin, avoid blue light from phones, computers, etc. at least one hour before bed. We all have some extra time right now so why not turn off the alarm and get some extra zzzs?

Other nutrients that can help, again, depending on the goal:

  • Curcumin in turmeric

  • Resveratrol

  • Rosemary

  • Oregano

  • Quercetin and vitamin E

  • EGCG in green tea

  • Lauric and caprylic acid 

  • Various types of mushrooms

  • Elderberry

  • Flaxseed

  • Probiotics and prebiotics

  • Immunoglobulins in colostrum

Many of the above nutrients and phytochemicals can be taken as a supplement, but it depends on your health status. For example, if you have an autoimmune condition, some of the supplements may not be advised. If you are a pre-menopausal female, your innate immune system is more active in the first half of the cycle, but you are more susceptible to viruses in the second half of the cycle. Also, some of the supplements used for phase 1 of the COVID-19 viral attack on the body should not be taken during phase 2 (hopefully the virus does not go into phase 2). 

To help you navigate this difficult time and be in the best state to fight off the virus, I'm offering 30 minute calls for $50, (25% discount). We'll discuss personalized nutrition and supplement recommendations for prevention and to help fight off the virus if you are afflicted. You can also use the time to get a personalized recommendation from my supplement dispensary. Click on the link on the home page to contact me and schedule.

Antibody Testing Now Available!

Are you wondering if you or loved ones have contracted COVID-19? Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory has introduced a stool test to detect SARS-COV-2 antigen. The test can detect the antigen 1-2 days before the symptoms start and up to 5 weeks after. I'm planning to run on myself and my family and think it's a great idea for all. Test kits can be shipped directly to your home. Cost is $130 per kit.  Click on the link on the home page to contact me and order a test kit today.

Most importantly, stay safe, enjoy quality time with family and know that this too shall pass. Sent with warm, virtual hugs!

Kirsten MillerComment